Joan Crawford - 4
Marriages & 4
Color Toilet Seats

Dear friend,

Thanks to Speed Reading I Discovered that Joan Crawford, an actress with a 40 year long career in film
got married 4 times.

Changed The Name of Her Estate After Each Marriage.

And changed The Color of the Toilet Seats when she changed men.

You say, "Who cares?"

You should Care. Because You Can Benefit.

Turns out A Billioniare Painter, Pablo Picasso, Painted his house a new color
for each of his 9 Girlfriends.

His Famous "Blue Period" was because of a new Muse.



Do Not assume This COLOR FASCINATION is only for Artistic Types!

Colors can make You richer in Business Too.

You may remember the former CEO of T-mobile?

John Legere

I - Tens of thousands of folks would Attend his Podcasts when he send this message:

"Join Me if You Like MAGENTA as Much as Me - John Legere."

II - T-Mobile Sponsored a Nation Wide NEW IDEA CHALLENGE. Out of 6 Runner up Teams ONE Team Won. CEO John Legere Showed Up at the Event. Declared ALL 6 teams As Winners. And he liked their ideas to help their Local Communities SO Much.

John Declared ALL 6 Teams as WINNERS who got 5K each.

John Donated 30K of his Own Money. So each team had 10 Grand.

John Invited Each Team onto His Weekly "Slow-Cooker-Thursday Podcast. To Get Donations from His 4 Million Followers.

John Got 100 Million of FREE PR by doing STUNTS. Like Attending a SPRINT Shareholder Meeting.
Getting THROWN OUT on Camera. So He could Announce that,

"Unlike My Giant Competitors. I LISTEN to What You Want."

III - John's SECRET was Not so Secret.

Because he told everybody what he was doing.

John spend Days in The T-Mobile Call Center - Listening to What 1000's of customers Wanted.
Hearing Complaints.
Fielding Questions.
Chatting with #1 Salespeople who contacted large Corporate users of Smart Phones.

John Created a MAVERICK - MAGENTA Personality.

And Crafted Phone Plans. Packages Suited to The Majority of phone users.



The # of Hours. The Kind of Usage, Text, Data, Video that PERSUADED Phone users to SWITCH
to T-Mobile. And Run Short each Month. So they had to Spend More Moolah at the end of each Month.


What is YOUR Favorite Color?

And How Can You Use it to Make Yourself and Your Product or Service UNIQUE?
