Koby Bryant Put 56 Players on a *Kill List*

Dear Friend,

Thanks to his love for Basketball Koby Made a Decision at age 13.

He decided to be the Best in The World.

When Koby 1st started playing at a skinny 160 pounds, he was ranked against 56 better players. Unknown to them... He put all 56 on his "Kill List."

Hunted them down at Basketball clinics. Scrimmages. Sports events.

Studied their weaknesses so he could beat them when he got better.

Koby was single minded about what he did during "practice" too.

Figured out that he should mainly work on his weaknesses at practice. Because during games where winning was Important - he would be using his strongest skills.

Los Angeles Lakers Coach Quote, "Everyday before practice at 8:30 am I'd drive into my parking spot. Koby would be Parked next to me. Taking a nap. After Finishing his own Practice 6 am to 8 am - BEFORE the Regular Practice.


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Thanks, Glenn

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