3 Stooges Extra Cash
Dear Friend, Thanks for Checking Out What We Learned From MOE - The Boss of "The Three Stooges". Here's What You Get: ************ ************ #1 - How Moe Invented His Weird "Salad Bowl Haircut." A - Moe Cut his hair with a pair of scissors and with his eyes closed. ************ ************ #2 - Why Moe Had a Fist Fight Or two Every Single Day - from Kindergarten thru the 5th Grade. Because Moe Loved his mom. ************ ************ #3 - Where the "Triple Face Slap" Comes From and was 1st Tested in front of an Audience. A - Moe and His Brother Shemp were in someone Else's Comedy troup. ************ ************ #4 - How The Double Eye - Double Finger Poke Happened in a Poker Game. A - One of Moe's Friends was Cheating at Cards. Got So Steamed that in a Fit of Anger - he Did The Double Finger Poke. ************ ************ #5 - How Moe Got His First Few Dozen Jobs as a Movie Actor - At Age 12 by Using a Version of Our 1.00 Bill Tipping Technique. A - Moe Paid a Dime to take a Train to a Nearby Movie Lot. B - Moe Asked the Gate Guard ONE QUESTION. C - Moe did something that made the Gate Guard CURIOUS - so he Asked Moe, "WHY ______.?" D - Moe's Answer So IMPRESSED the Guard - he Took Moe to Meet a Movie Producer. And Moe got a bit Part in a movie - the next day. ************ ************ #6 - CASE STUDY - How a Young Lady Used Moe's EXACT Same idea to Start Her Celebrity LIMO Service. Before She Owned a LIMO! A - Mary Leased a LIMO. B - Got Chosen (Using MOE's IDEA) by the Manager of a Hi End Country Club - to Ferry Stars and Celebrities to and from the airport. And back and forth to hotels. C - She Shared her DREAM. D - All of the Movie, Music Stars and Celebs - Signed up for Mary's Exclusive LIMO Service. ************ ************ #7 - CASE STUDY - How a Hotel Concierge Used Moe's EXACT Idea to Earn 14 M*illion Bucks over his 30 year career at a hotel. A - John The Genius Hotel Concierge used MOE's TIPPING IDEA - to Keep His Job against all competition. Even at age 72. B - Affluent customers REFERRED their Friends to his hotel. C - Every Employee in the hotel AND competition Hotels Referred their best Customers to John. D - How Did John Get So R*ich? The munny Flows INVISIBLY. ************ ************ #8 - CASE STUDY - How a Security Guard Used Moe's EXACT Same idea to FIRSTLY Make 100 TIMES his Minimum Wage. Then got hired for a 200,000.00 Job. A - Jerry Said the Same Thing to Each M*illionaire He Met in The Hotel Lobby. B - Jerry made these Rich men's LIVES easier. So even though he said, "No" - they insisted. C - Competing over Jerry - Soon these r*ich men were p*aying Jerry 100TIMES more than his salary as a Security Guard. D - When the Hotel Manager Found out WHY the Hotel Made an EXTRA 2.2 M*illion due to Jerry. HE created a 200K job for Jerry. ************ ************ #9 - CASE STUDY - How a Do-it-Your-self Repair Customer COMPLAINED that he was Forced to MARRY his Girlfriend. Because She Had Adapted Moe's Method to get him jobs. Tripled his income. And After An Argument. She went to live with her Mother. His Income Dropped to ZERO. A - John's Girlfriend Noticed his Business Sucked. B - She Got Him to AGREE to do a VERSION of MOE's Idea. C - Alice Put MOE's IDEA on a one page Flyer. (You Get The EXACT HEADLINE) Handed it out where home owners flocked. D - John couldn't do the Flyers AND his Home Repair both. So he had to Marry his Girlfriend. ************ ************ #10 - If I Wanted to Get Kids a Part Time Job. I'd Get Them a T-Shirt that Said, "______ _____ Please." A - Put them to work in the parking lot at Home Depot. B - GUARANTEED p*aid (After school or Part time Summer jobs) from Contractor after Contractor. C - For Girls - How to use The SAME T-Shirt - At a different Hi End LOCATION. But with less manual labor. ************ ************ #11 - We Already did this with a Self Employed Plumber. He got more Jobs than he could handle this way. A - Terry Showed up in the Parking Lot. B - I wrote and had him wear a sign stapled to his ball cap. C - Soon Roofing and Aluminum siding and Small Construction Company owners were chatting with him. D - Terry QUICKLY Got Referred to oodles of Plumbing Jobs. EDITORS NOTE - We Outline an ENTIRE Business You can do in Only 4 Hrs a day that makes six Figures or more.) ************ ************ #12 - You say, "But I have Zero Repair skills, Glenn." YOU Can Still Make THOUSANDS a month. A - Guy got fired. Needed munny badly. B - Got Referred to us. C - How We Set him up in Business using a Version of MOE's Idea. D - But the Idiot Signed a Contract with a Non-Compete Clause with one of the Companies who was P*aying him. So Instead of 500K he was Stuck making 80 to 90K a year UNLESS he wanted to start over from SCRATCH in a totally New Industry niche. Thanks, Glenn Osborn