Willie Sutton - Arrested for Burglary - Age 9

Dear Friend,

Thanks to Willie We Know that FAILURE leads to SUCCESS.


Because Willy Made 12 Prison Escape Attempts Before He Went over the Sing-Sing Wall Using a Ladder.

Willy Robbed 40 Banks in his Career.

Dressed as Prison Guards Willie and a Friend carried ladders into the Exercise Yard. Hit with SPOTLIGHTS. Willy Yelled, "Everything is OK."

And the Guards Watched as Willie and Friend Climbed Up over the wall with One Ladder. And Down The other Side with Ladder #2. Then Walked away.

An Angry Prison Warden yelled at the Guards. But was Told, "They were So Casual about it. We thought it was just a Surprise Test of some kind."

Just to Be Clear.

Willie didn't Actually Rob Banks. He Robbed Bank VAULTS. Overcoming all kinds of Security, Computer Locks and Time Locks. Which don't allow the Vault to be opened Except during Banking Hours.

Willie Bypassed All Security. Before The Bank Opened Willie Was Already INSIDE.

Having Awakened the Bank Manager - in his home. At 5 am.

Before Any of The Regular Employees or Customers arrived Willie and The KEY Employee were standing in front of the Vault.

Have You Heard The Term, "Slick Willie? That was one of The Nicknames Willie got when J. Edgar Hoover put him on the 10 Most Wanted List.

So How Do You Use Willie's
Key Employee w/Access To
The Big Money - Strategy?

One of our Plumbing Company owners - makes 500K every 90 Days with a Similar Strategy.

This is How Marshal Gets To Hundreds of Home Owners. Most of whom need a New Furnace.

#1 - Marshal finds a Large Up Scale Group of Homes. All Built at the same time. Just at the end of The Life of The Central Heating Furnace.

#2 - Calls and Visits The Minister or Priest in Charge of the Largest Church in the Middle of These Homes.

#3 - Tells The Priest, "IF You Gather Your Congregation members. I Will Give a Free Presentation. Show how Each home owner can Save Thousands a yr using this HEAT GUN.

#4 - The Church Congregation is HAPPY. Every Home owner Gets a MAP of their House. Showing where The HEAT is Escaping.

#5 - Marshal says, "When We Are At Your Home - We will do a Free 101 Home Repair Warning Checklist INSPECTION. Things that are Wasting Money, About to Break or Maybe a Health Hazard.

#6 - And Marshal Sells 100 Furnaces Plus Installation. Plus a %age of Window, Door, Aluminum Siding - from Referrals to a Joint Venture Partner.

(EDITORS NOTE - I Actually Borrowed Marshal's Idea. For a Landscaping Client in Florida. We offered a "Free Weed ID Checklist Inspection." And a "Do-It-Yourself Vinegar & Dish Soap" Weed Killing Solution.)

YES - People Wanna Know What Weeds are In Their Lawn.

YES - Most people are Too Lazy. Not going to Walk their Lawn with a Spray bottle Full of Vinegar and Soap bubbles.

YES - Weed leaves covered with Vinegar and Soap Turn Brown in the Sun. But Slow Going with Just You and Your Spray Bottle Trigger Finger.

So Jason Made a Bundle.
