Short Reports
Created 3
Thanks Dien/Gordon,
After Listening to an Interview with a self made Billionaire
I went to his website.
Bought 800.00 of books for my Top Clients.
NEXT DAY Mr Billionaire Phones Me!
A Bit Startled.
I Discovered what he was doing was PRE-SELLING Copies of his next book.
In Order to Get Thousands of Free Copies from his Printer.
What I Learned in Btwn His BITCHING.
(He kept saying, "You know I Get Paid 10K for 15 Minutes of consulting.")
Heh heh heh.
Every Moolah making Story he told. I Shared One Back.
He had lunch with Jay Abraham. I went to 15 of his Bootcamps.
He Had Lunch with Tony Robbins. I Spent time with Tony's #1 Salesman.
What Did I Learn?
ONE - Mr Billionaire Owned 31 Companies. He sold his "Nurses Insurance Company" for Billions.
He built with SHORT REPORTS.
He phoned the PRESIDENT of a Huge Nursing School. Offering to
send him a Steady Supply of Short Case Study Reports. About How to Avoid
Lawsuits from Patients.
Based on Actual Insurance Cases.
I - Mr President LOVED The Idea but Didn't want to See them.
II - Teachers Didn't Want to be bothered either.
III - So They arranged for All of the Daily Case Study Insurance Reports
to go DIRECTLY to The Nurses Email Addresses.
They Gave him their LIST. And UpDated it Every Year.
So he FIRED ALL His National Insurance Sales People.
Sold Insurance Direct to Newby Nurses.
TWO - Mr Billionaire GREW His 31 Company Customer Lists with SHORT REPORTS. And Kept a List of people who Spent the Most Moolah.
He Personally Thank Rewarded them with all kinds of SHORT REPORTS. Each Containing a Money Making or Saving idea.
I got Bumped onto this list When I Spent 800 Bucks. And He Called me While on The Treadmill One Morning.
GET THAT? Mr Billionaire Makes Phone Calls while Exercising.
THREE - Last Thing I Learned. How he took a Website from ZERO to over 1 Million Subscribers in less than a Year.
Again. He Used Short Reports he Called, "Money Tip of The Day."
If You Take a Look at The CELEBRITY THREAD here.
What do You see?
I Am Not Mr Billionaire. So My Name Doesn't Attract Readers.
People are Addicted To CELEBRITIES.
And When I Find a Goofy CELEB FACT. Stick it into a Headline, Subject Line of
Forum Post.
And Click on it To Find Out More.
I Have Written 50 Such Reports.
Sent out as a Drip Irrigation Marketing Email System.
Even if people only CLICK on 1 out of 10 or 20.
Mr Billionaires IDEA solves The Massive *ATTENTION-SPAN-OF-a-FLY* Problem.
When You Want to Sell Stuff.
Just Include a LINK at the Bottom of your CELEB ARTICLES.
Like This one.
My Spy at a Billionaire Owned Club - Inside a Beverly Hills Gated Community.
CIA SAM Discovered how The Super Rich Owners Customers to Fork over
Extra Thousands.
They use a"PUMP PRIMING" Method to Persuade VIP Members who pay ALREADY 100K to Join - to Tip The Cocktail Waitresses with HUNDRED DOLLAR BILLS.
You Can BORROW the idea for Peanuts.